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KUBRA Notifi® Alerts and Preference Management

Transform the way you connect with your customers. NotifiⓇ intelligently combines customers’ communication preferences with your data to automatically deliver the messages they want, the way they want to receive them.

Personalized Communication

Your customers are unique. Some want a lot of information, while others may only want to know when their bill is due or when you have responded to a service request. Some may prefer to hear from you by email, while others want to use mobile channels. 

Meet Notifi–our preference management and automated omni-channel communications platform for seamless interactions. Customers can engage with you digitally using preset keywords or with everyday language powered by KUBRA IQ™. With KUBRA IQ, the platform can generate custom or human-like responses, ensuring a personalized experience. Notifi’s Preference Center combines information about customers’ communication preferences with your data to automatically deliver the messages they want, the way they want to receive them.

Available Channels

  • Text Message (SMS Alerts)
  • Automated Voice Alerts (IVR)
  • Email Alerts
  • Mobile App Push Notifications
  • Smart Speakers

Proactive Messaging

Customers can manage their notification preferences through the Notifi Preference Center, choosing the types of alerts they wish to receive—such as payments, service requests, and utility outages—and specifying how they're delivered for each contact on their account. Notifi efficiently tracks these preferences and automates the delivery of relevant messages based on customer interests and set business rules. This includes routine communications, like usage reports sent according to a schedule or triggered by customer-defined thresholds, ensuring timely and personalized updates.

Natural Language Processing

When integrated with KUBRA IQ, Notifi leverages advanced natural language processing to facilitate authentic two-way conversations via text messages, smart speakers, mobile apps, and more. Customers no longer need to remember keywords, such as “BAL,” “PAY,” “OUT,” or “STAT,”  to inquire about account balances, facilitate paying a bill, report service interruptions, or ask for updates. They can simply interact with Notifi as if they were dealing with a live agent and will receive responses in the same way.

Automated Conversations

Conversation templates allow you to create automated two-way conversations that respond to customer requests with information from your back-end systems. Proactive messages can also include prompts for customer responses or links to relevant resources. If you’re using KUBRA iMobile™ Apps, you can send text messages or push notifications that link customers directly to the relevant section of the mobile app.

Multilingual message templates for all supported channels can be created, allowing customers to select a language preference for each customer contact - English, French, and Spanish are currently supported.

Broadcast Messages

Our platform’s broadcast tool enables instant communication with millions of customers. In five simple steps, you can create and send broadcasts, track message performance in real time, and customize approval processes for different message types and languages. Notifi 4, our latest version, offers enhanced messaging performance with an average delivery rate of 1,000 messages per second.* Additionally, you can generate interactive reports on broadcast summaries and messaging throughput and easily identify the author of each broadcast sent through the platform.

*Messaging performance is based on synthetic benchmarks from internal testing and does not consider real-world loads and factors.

Notifi helps capture written consent, provides a location for customers to unsubscribe, and offers templates that allow you to meet CAN-SPAM regulations for email – all within a single platform. It also helps meet TCPA requirements by offering a solution for determining if phone numbers are landline or mobile numbers and for monitoring changes in phone number ownership for deregistration purposes.

For utilities, Notifi also lets you leverage recent guidelines from the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which allow communication with 100% of a utility’s contacts regarding information “closely related to the utility service.” This includes notifications about power outages, service interruptions, or pending disconnects. Notifi lets you easily enroll contacts to receive these TCPA-eligible voice and SMS alerts.


KUBRA works with our clients to implement SHAKEN/STIR for all outbound Voice/IVR calls we place on their behalf from Notifi, simplifying compliance.  To comply with the TRACED Act, the FCC mandated the SHAKEN/STIR regulation on March 31, 2020, to crack down on unlawful robocalls and increase useful call answer rates. This new authentication protocol will stop caller ID spoofing, and when adopted, carriers can present trust indicators like “Caller Verified” to recipients’ phones. This will greatly cut down on spam calls for U.S. and Canadian carriers.

Flexible Platform

The Notifi platform comes equipped with a suite of standard alert programs for billing, payments, service interruptions, usage, and more. However, its modular design allows you to easily add new alert programs to meet your customers’ changing needs, such as vegetation trimming, meter reads, meter replacements, and customer surveys.

With the KUBRA customer alerts and communication platform, your customers will benefit from unparalleled flexibility and convenience. By receiving alerts through their preferred channels, your customers can effortlessly manage their accounts and stay on top of their bills and services.

Secure and Scalable Implementation

Hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Notifi harnesses the power of cloud computing, offering on-demand scalability to handle fluctuating demands efficiently. Robust encryption ensures that your customers’ personal information is kept secure. Our customer communication management platform is designed to maintain your customers' preferences to ensure you're communicating the information they want in the channels they want to receive it in.


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